Friday, April 4, 2008
I saw my fears in your eyes
UNKLE (va recomand): When Things Explode
Your skull-f****d little lives
In shadows where you hide
A life that was designed
You've been cheated oh so blind
You laid it on the line
These twisted words of time
And how your spirit shines
I wish that you were mine
Yeah lately I know that I've been crawling
I know that I've been falling
Into your dream
Imagine no more tears
Dissolving all your fears
With tooth and claw we fight
Into this endless night
Yeah lately I know that I've been crawling
I know that I've been falling
Into your dream
I saw my tears in your eyes
You saw your fears in mine
We watched it burn together
Watched it burn together
Burn yeah, burn watched it burn burn yeah burn
Watched it burn, burn watched it burn
Watched it burn, burn watched it burn
All is forgiven.
Tribut Nirvana
Era un om normal care avea insa ceva de spus. Si asta nu doar prin cuvinte. In timpul activitatii lui a revolutionat grunge-ul, a influentat foarte multi oameni si a reusit sa isi asigure un loc in muzica internationala - un all time favorit.
In general anii 90 sunt (inca) asociati cu o moda ciudata, cu o muzica de o calitate indoielnica (nu ca s-ar fi schimbat ceva in moda si muzica prezentului), dar ceea ce a realizat Nirvana face parte din seria "timeless".
Personal am facut cunostiinta cu Nirvana cu mult timp dupa ce ei nu mai existau. S-a intamplat candva in gimnaziu cred, atunci cand poti sa fi influentat de foarte multe genuri sau stari muzicale. Imi pare bine ca ei au avut cel mai mare aport in formarea mea muzicala.
Kurt Cobain a fost si ramane un geniu muzical, care se inscrie insa in categoria "tormented soul". A murit in 1994.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Contribuţie din câmpul muncii
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tales of Mere Existance
Zilele trecute, când - din disperare că nu eram capabilă să fac ceva productiv - mă dădeam pe, am dat de câteva filmuleţe animate (titlul lor e chiar titlul intrării ăsteia) când mi-am dat seama că de fapt a trăi, a exista nu trebuie să fie tot timpul ceva spectaculos. Adică, nu o să explodeze artificii aşa dintr-o dată (out of the blue cum spun în special anglofilii) doar pentru că ai cumpărat o pâine, sau o apă minerală, sau pentru simplul fapt că stai plictisit în birou timp de 9 – 10 ore aşteptând de fapt cu nerăbdare să ajungi acasă.
În orice caz, să revin la adevăratul subiect, acest Lev nu-mai-ştiu-cum este un adevărat geniu. A fost capabil să observe şi să sintetizeze banalul lucru numit viaţă, putând chiar să îl redea prin desen. În special filmuleţul "Saturday" (poate una din puţinele zile în care chiar poţi să fi cine vrei să fi, şi tu o petreci făcând planuri interminabile, care până la urmă nu sunt duse la bun sfârşit) şi înca unul, la care nu îi ştiu titlul, dar care de fapt este despre relaţia unui fiu (la fel de bine ar fi o fiică) cu mama acestuia (mama insistă, fiul încearcă să se opună uşor, mama insistă şi mai tare, fiul începe să arate o uşoară iritare în tonul vocii, dar nu renunță). Nimeni nu are intenţii rele şi totuşi parcă ceva nu funcţionează). Un argument puternic aici ar fi şi filmul pe care l-am văzut nu de mult 10 items or less, în care Morgan Freeman îşi arată faţa sa de muritor de rând, studiind o caseriţă de supermarket american, care la 25 de ani a ajuns să fie părăsită de soţul ei infidel.
Monday, December 10, 2007
It ain't easy to be
Perhaps some of you know this line. It's a verse of a song, which can be considered to be very powerful. Up until some days ago I thought that this world is hard on me... but then I realized that we are all in the same situation. All of us are haunted souls, driven by survival, driven by living, driven just by being ourselves. But this is so hard! Living, surviving, and being ME. Lately I was experiencing mood swings. Sometimes I was up, high on life; sometimes I was so down that I couldn't even see the ground. I felt surrounded by people and yet never that alone.
Fact is that, during the last few months, my life turned upside down. I am no longer living the life I always knew. I am all grown up now... I have a job... I pay rent... I have responsibilities... Honestly, it has occurred to me, that I would have to be in this position... truth is, I hoped to postpone maturing for as long as I could, but apparently I failed. Yes, I tend to get lonely from time to time. I tend to think that all my friends are far and away. I tend to be more and more self-centered. I tend to live in my own little “perfect world”…
But then, I turn on the TV. The news are full of people which suffer, of people not having enough food, enough medicine to integrate themselves at the lower end of that which some refer to as "quality of life". And most of them are also on their own. Tormented soles deprived from what they need most.
But the reason I got in this "NO WAY OUT" state was actually an old lady. The archetype of your favorite grandmother, gray haired and tender, kind eyes and a willing soul - who was forced to sell flowers in the corner of the street just to get by from one day to the next. It was striking to see that everybody preferred to ignore her, bowing their heads in the ground as they went by. But more striking was, that those flowers had no chance what so ever to be bought by a man as a token of his love for a woman, or to be placed somewhere in a warm room in a vase by somebody else. They were simple, partially withered flowers, probably best fitted on a grave. Next to her was this other old lady. Still in the same register concerning age and attitude. On the other hand, she tried more to arrange the flowers in such a way as to get a buyer faster. This happened sometime in December, on a Monday night, next to a shopping center in the heart of a bigger city.
I guess this is it. THIS is life driven by something. To big for me to understand. Time flies, nothing remains as it is … I am at least grateful for that … The only thing is … why is it so unfair?? Why do 80 year old ladies have to sell half rotten flowers in order to secure their existence? Haven’t they fought enough all these years to deserve something better?